Monday, August 6, 2007

Our Voices!

Gary, 25, Performer, Group D6

When recruitment for this performance began, I was in a dilemma. I wanted to take part in the performance but my parents discouraged me from doing so as they were worried that the long and tiring practice sessions will collide with my work schedule and affect my concentration at work. However, I managed to motivate myself by saying, “I want to challenge my limitations and gain victory through this event – to change the impossible to possible!” Every Saturday, I would rush from my workplace to attend practices. Despite the challenge, I believe that those who devote themselves sincerely to kosen-rufu will accumulate boundless good fortune in their lives. As President Ikeda often encourages young people to endlessly seek challenges and gain victory, I see my involvement in the 8.31 event as a challenge instead of a problem, in the attempt of changing poison into medicine. This is the moment to create my own value. The YMD has a motto which goes, “First to take action and win over challenges!” With that, I think to myself, “Now’s the time, I’m the one!” I will ensure that I will be part of any event which SGM needs my involvement. I find that the formations in this performance are a lot more difficult than those in Citrawarna last year. Hence, we need to strengthen ourselves to overcome every difficulty! We should never give up, keep on challenging and achieve victory!

Kerr Kay, 17, Group D2

The desire to contribute to the SGM is what prompted me to sign up for the 8.31 performance, as I haven’t been contributing much throughout the years. At the first practice, I was not only awed by the number of performers who volunteer themselves for this event, but also their discipline. Everything is so well-organised and I admire the people who work behind the scene. They probably work even harder than us (the performers). Most of the time, I get really tired after my classes end. But, going to the practices makes it all worth it! I’m glad to have a supportive family too! To my fellow comrades, never let anything get in your way. Focus on what you want to do and achieve. If you have a choice between being happy or sad, why not be happy?

Wong Mun Joe, 19, Group D2

I’m having lots of fun and getting to know a lot of people. I was impressed by the number of performers who take part in this event and how they challenge their difficulties, instead of sleeping at home. I’m grateful to have a supportive family who often share guidance and have dialogue with me.

Mun Joe (left) and Kerr Kay (right). After several attempts to get their poses to look super ‘cool’, the duo from group D2 finally gets it right!

They’re more than happy to wait for a few minutes to get this picture shot!

Interviewed by z_L3nG

Jasen Kong Sze Min, 26, Group Leader of E1, Petaling Jaya

I was formerly a gymnastics group member and it was there that I matured and trained myself. Whenever there’s an event I will always try my best to make time to participate as this is a contribution to the country as well as kosen-rufu. My biggest challenge is “time” as my job which deals with computer animation takes up a lot of time, sometimes including Saturdays and Sundays. [Note: If you have seen the Astro Sports Channel advertisement featuring ‘transformers’ robots, one of the robots was created by Jasen] I admire the fact that Malaysia has gone through a period of struggle to be where we are today. As a Malaysian citizen who is interested in history, I feel it’s very meaningful that I can contribute in this way. My strongest supporter is my family in Melaka. They are not chanting yet but they have seen my actual proof and gladly support my participation in SGM activities.

Interviewed by Tuck Yee

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi i'm Mei Ling fr D2 group...yeah~ I am soka fren, 1st time joining performence in SGM who introduce by my best fren,Wei Chaw n her family. i am hapi 2 know al my group members n PIC ....they r al so cute~ n funny...nice fren 2 make with....i hope our performence on merdeka day will b big succes! ^^ gambate~