Monday, July 23, 2007

Captain's log, stardate 210707 - part 2

Humans are perhaps the only creatures in the world who knows how to be selfish. Most of the time, we will not do something unless it promises some kind of gain or mileage. In career terms, we will only do something if it brings incentives (commission, promotion, pay rise), or if not doing it will result in punishment.

In some joint office campaigns during my career, I noticed that some colleagues did not bother to participate in these joint efforts. They just went about doing their work and looking busy. True, they may have been genuinely busy, but I suppose the least they could do was explain. In any case, not participating would not entail any punishment, so what the heck?

So, what’s the incentive for the Merdeka 50 participants? At best, a certificate of participation from the government. And some modest food for each performance. Some airtime on the big day, but with over 1,000 participants, who gets to be seen? Hardly Andy Warhol’s 15 minutes of fame.

But yet, these performers selflessly give up their weekends, and possibly some weekdays as well to participate in this historic event. Their energy and passion are contagious; you could feel their vibe permeating one’s entire being when you’re in there with them. No matter how arduous the practice has been, they always leave with a beaming smile on the face. You can’t help but be inspired and deeply moved.

SGI President Ikeda’s guidance :

“Because you are still young, you, the youth have boundless possibilities; you can do anything you set your mind on. If you let this precious time pass you by, idly frittering your days away or letting fear and insecurity hold you back, you will be the one to lose out in the end. I hope you will lead a youth of undying hope and boldly write the history of kosen-rufu with the heart of a lion king. That is the true path of Soka youth. “


trisling said...

do sth meaningful to our country...
while we nvr do this b4....
appreciate bcuz, this is our country which let me grow n have fun on it....
who said we don love our country?
appreciate it got no war, no hunger....

Anonymous said...

^u^***b proud of it

frm,twinkle sin.